
December 14, 2007

No stamping lately! Just letting you know that I'll try to get some done today. No promises though...I've been on antibiotics for a sinus infection and now I'm having an allergic reaction to it. My first allergic reaction to I have this rash all over my body (which doesn't bother me that much), but my joints have been hurting since the rash appeared so it's hard to sit or stand for long periods of time...or just even walk for a long time. So I got to watch myself. I took some allergy medicine last night and that seemed to help a little bit...I legs don't hurt as bad as they did last night. And last night was the worst of it. So maybe I'm just getting better! :) Supposedly I have four more days of this....

Anyways....hopefully I'll get some stamping done...I miss it!


Melissa Cheney said...

So sorry to hear about all your cruddy stuff!

Hang in there!

Velta said...

Get Well soon!

Soguesswhat11 said...

oh sweetie, I sure hope you'll be feeling better soon! Sinus infections are bothersome enough without a reaction to meds! Sending healing thoughts your way!

Rosella said...

All the best to you Gina. Take it easy. Get better. I'll be back to check on you.

Stampin' Meg said...

ohh that stinks-I sure hope that you get better soon-I broke out from Sulfa and got little pink polka dots all over- they were soooo itchy!

laos348 said...

Take care of yourself - hope you are feeling better soon.

Lorraine said...

I hope that you are feeling better. it's horrible to be on meds and then turn out you have a bad reaction to it. Have a very Merry Christmas!

A.Lee said...

Dang! I'm sorry that you're under the weather. Allergic reactions can be scary. I'm glad you'll be alright soon. Merry Christmas and hang in there!

Unknown said...

ARLENE-Hope you're better soon so you can enjoy the holidays.